Click below to see first-hand what our certificants say are the benefits of ACHA certification, answering some of the following questions:
- What difference does ACHA certification make to clients?
- What is the difference between a certificant and non-certificant in the field?
- Why should healthcare architects consider applying and sitting for the ACHA examination?
- What do architecture firms see in ACHA certification amongst potential employees?
- How should one practice for the ACHA examination, outside of what the college offers as practice material?
- How would you describe a board certified architect in one word?
- And more!

Peter Bardwell, FAIA, FACHA
BARDWELL+associates LLC
Click here to read more about Peter.

A. Ray Pentecost III, DrPH, FAIA, FACHA, LEED AP
Director of the Center for Health Systems & Design, Texas A&M University College of Architecture
College Station, TX
Click here to read more about Ray.

Sheila F. Cahnman, FAIA, FACHA
JumpGarden Consulting LLC
Wilmette, IL
Click here to read more about Sheila.