Press Releases

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American College of Healthcare Architects Honors Doug Erickson with Presidential Citation for Lifelong Dedication to Safe and Effective Healthcare Design

October 8, 2024

The American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA) is proud to announce that Douglas S. Erickson, FASHE, has been awarded the 2024 ACHA Presidential Citation. This award is bestowed upon individuals who have demonstrated significant contributions over their career toward advancing the art and science of healthcare architecture.

Presidential Citation Press Release

ACHA releases landmark “VA Task Force 2023 Report”

April 11, 2023

The American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA) has partnered with the Veterans Administration Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) Department to improve healthcare delivery to veterans via a yearlong Task Force, composed of six ACHA certificants and VA representatives. The ACHA Task Force recommendations included new healthcare paradigms to improve Veteran access to care and create an equitable system of care. The Task Force proposed a tiered, four-dimensional hub + spoke model that adapts to the veteran’s needs, utilizing high tech/high touch technology to deliver personalized health care services nationwide.

VA Task Force Press Release

ACHA and NIHD Form Partnership to Promote Inter-Professional Expertise in Healthcare Design

October 27, 2022

The American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA), and the Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design (NIHD), are pleased to announce a new partnership to promote inter-professional expertise in the healthcare design process.  Board certified ACHA architects provide expertise at the highest level of healthcare design and planning.  NIHD members provide clinical expertise that encourages optimal operational solutions. This collaboration will help shape the future and quality of healthcare design.

NIHD Press Release

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