About ACHA

The American College of Healthcare Architects provides Board Certification for Architects who practice as healthcare specialists. Our certificate holders include healthcare architects throughout the United States and Canada with specialized skills and proven expertise.

Before earning the ACHA Board Certificate, healthcare architects must document their experience and demonstrate their skills through a computer-based examination. ACHA requires its Certificate Holders to work towards the improvement of healthcare architecture on behalf of the public, to practice in an ethical manner, to maintain high standards of specialized continuing education, and to add to the body of knowledge. If you, or someone you know, are qualified for the Board Certificate in Healthcare Architecture, the Regents invite submission of an application.

Currently, ACHA consists of the following:

  • ACHA – 457 Certificants
  • FACHA – 47 Fellows
  • EMERITUS – 104*

*Emeritus status indicates retired, non-practicing architects who were previously Certified.


To distinguish healthcare architects through certification, experience, and rigorous standards


Transforming healthcare through better built environments

ACHA Services

Healthcare organizations can access our free Certificate Holder Registry , to learn the names and qualifications of those architects who have attained ACHA Certification. ACHA Educational opportunities include our online Resource Center and various educational workshops. All of these educational resources are accessible through this website and we encourage you to use them often.

Become a Certified Healthcare Architect

We appreciate your interest in the American College of Healthcare Architects. If you, or someone you know is qualified, the Regents invite submission of an application. Click here ​to learn about the ACHA application process.

Value Proposition

Download AC​HA’s Value Proposition (PDF)​​​​​​​​​