As we near the end of 2021, we pause, reflect, and celebrate about aspirations and accomplishments. We’ve had a record number of certificants, more engagement from our existing certificants than ever before, more programs and initiatives, and more recognition from outside organizations of our thought leadership. We also used this year to develop a Strategic plan for the next five years and your Board of Regents dreamed big! We’re very excited to see where our reinvigorated committees and new task forces will take us in 2022 and beyond.
One of the most powerful “future looks bright” moments was during our annual luncheon when each of the eight Herman Miller scholars made it a point to express how excited they were to have been invited. These young healthcare architects (and those working toward licensure) are not only aware of our organization but view it as a career milestone to become certified. We cannot lose sight of the value of certification as we wade through the day-to-day experience of our work. It was refreshing to see through new eyes just how esteemed our organization and you, our certificants really are. WE ARE THE GOLD STANDARD. So much so, that our biggest challenge is demystifying the process so it feels accessible.
A few end of year highlights:
- Look for video interviews of certificants releasing over the next few weeks to hear your colleagues’ perspective on things
- The second segment of our Masters Series 2.0 on public health is now available for viewing on our YouTube Channel and we are excitedly looking forward to more upcoming topics and College Certificant speakers in 2022.
- Certificant challenge: Please think of at least two candidates for certification and talk with them about the process. Send their names in to Emily Brochstein, our Executive director so that we can continue to follow up and make them aware of resources to assist them.
- The Veterans Administration (VA) Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) has invited ACHA to help them streamline their process. Our newly formed VA Task Force will be partnering with this major national government organization to develop strategies on delivering better results, more efficiently, and with reasonable costs.
- The Lifetime Achievement Award Task force is actively working on recommendations to create more diversity in applicants and jury while ensuring that those awarded emphasize the value of ACHA certification.
- We are in talks with ACHE to jointly offer the Legacy Project Award. This one has been on the shelf for a few years and we hope to bring it back in a way that celebrates the contribution of ACHA Architects and visionary administrators and facility managers in healthcare.
- It was a joy and relief to finally able to reconnect with old friends and colleagues and make new friends in Cleveland in October at HCD – our first large national in-person Healthcare Conference since November 2019 in New Orleans was a wonderful way to end the year and feel positive for 2022.
It has been an exhilarating year and we know that your incoming Board is going to continue this momentum into 2022. Using the strategic vision discussed this past summer, we feel the College is poised for exciting growth over the next several years as we focus on growing both our candidate program and the value of certification both personally and industry-wide for each of us.
Please take time to reflect on what this year has meant for you and let’s celebrate those accomplishments together! Share your stories on our LinkedIn group page. Please also contact us if you are interested in being more involved in any of our committees or task forces- we welcome your involvement. And looking ahead in the next few months, we can’t wait to see everyone again this year in New Orleans in March for PDC and Chicago in July for SLS. Happy holidays and wishing you an amazing 2022!
Angela Mazzi & Steve Templet
2021 ACHA President & 2022 ACHA President