With a “return to normalcy” for many of us, 2022 has been a year full of activity and accomplishment – the ACHA Board have built on last year’s strategic discussions to push forward many new initiatives. As we questioned and studied in 2021 how to best serve our certificants, clients and communities, several one and two-year goals were set this year intended to maximize the effect and growth of the ACHA through targeted actions and accomplishments.
I would like to start with a heartfelt thank you to the many certificants who give their time and energy to the College in committees and task forces for the following efforts. The amount of time and energy given to the College is always a wonderful testament to the passion of our certificants.
- Recruitment – Development of a dedicated Task Force focused on increasing awareness of the College within the pool of prospective candidates. This year has seen the largest number of successful exam-takers in the College’s 22 years and a growing Candidates Program. This would have been impossible without a focused outreach to potential candidates. The Recruitment Task Force has identified more strategies to connect the College with future applicants that will be developed in 2023 and beyond.
- Marketing – Significant and successful increases in social media exposure for the College and our certificants via a marketing consultant and dedicated marketing focus.
- What We Believe In Task Force – Following last year’s strategic discussions, the development of effective, succinct statements for the ACHA including ongoing discussions regarding a new Tagline.
- New Pitch Deck - Creation of a new marketing tool for certificants to use in potential client, firm and candidate discussions.
- Application and Exam Prep Videos – Creating newly updated prep materials for candidates for their use with short online-available videos.
- 2022 Survey – Following up the 2015 Survey of our certificants, this update has provided us internal statistics and benchmarks to guide us moving forward with future candidate engagement, our EDI directives, and providing marketing materials for certificants and the College.
- ACHA Innovation for Healthcare Design Prize – Preliminary discussions on how to enhance and grow our role within our communities and within healthcare design with legacy efforts. Targeted for a 2024 Call for Entries.
- Continuation of the Masters Series 2.0 – Led by ACHA thought leaders providing focused knowledge regarding topics at the forefront of our industry.
- Yearly ACHA Calendar – Exploring calendar year changes for 2024 to more efficiently schedule events and programs.
- External Organizations – moving forward with both current and new allied organizations with mutually beneficial activities that serve to increase our role as thought leaders. This includes development of our ASHE relationship, our burgeoning relationship with VA leadership and the expansion the Pillars with the addition of the Center for Health Design and the Nursing Institute of Healthcare Design.
The College and our certifications are unique, both here within the national healthcare design industry and across the world. And more than ever we are called to serve as advocates and outspoken leaders working towards environments that support health and wellness. My sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone involved in making this such as successful and productive year for the College.
Steve Templet, AIA, ACHA
2022 ACHA President